Outstanding Natural Slate Material
Uncompromising Quality
Bogenschnitts, Wabens, Schuppens….the German way!

Bogenschnitts, Wabens, Schuppens….the German way!

By     Dec 4th, 2014

The Germans know how to install a great looking and practical roof! The shapes of the German style slates are designed and installed to the direction of the prevailing winds so that the water runs along the curved lower edge and down the face of the slate. A bogenschnitt can be ordered “right” or “left”. A Waben looks like a honeycomb pattern. A Schuppen has a fish scale appearance due to the side lapping installation. This installation style is common in central and northern Europe.

We currently have some North Country Trinity Heather (purple Bogens) in inventory, please call us at Toll Free 1-800-975-2835.

By     Dec 4th, 2014

Sheena Owen

Sheena Owen began working for North Country Slate on October 12, 1999. Started as the Sales Coordinator and transitioned to a Sales Representative. Daily duties include providing customer service, new business development, inside sales, handling all cross-border customs issues/documentation, arranging shipments, health and safety representation and social media marketing. Sheena graduated from the University of Guelph in 1992 with a BA in English and Drama and in 1995 graduated with a Diploma in Radio and Television Broadcasting from Centennial College. Sheena’s first job was the Executive Producer’s Assistant for TV shows including Robocop, F/X The Series and Nikita. She went on to becoming an Assistant Manager at Eddie Bauer. In her spare time, Sheena enjoys traveling, gardening and hikes with family and friends.
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